Liveboard collaborative
Liveboard collaborative


Collaborative Liveboards


** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Collaborative Liveboards Early Access

You can comment on data points in a Liveboard to bring information to the attention of your teammates.

Collaborative Liveboards

You can comment on data points in a Liveboard to bring information to the attention of your teammates.


2018年5月19日 — Collaborate with your friends, teachers, colleagues, etc. to broadcast public boards viewable worldwide using a simple pseudonym.


Create classroom-like interactive lessons with our whiteboard app. Collaborate with your students, import PDFs & images, annotate, create quizzes and record ...


It allows your tutors to conduct live sessions, share files, collaborate in real-time, and engage with students through video, audio, and chat functionalities.

LiveBoard - UTI Grup

LiveBoard. LiveBoard is a complete solution designed to support companies and institutions in meetings and conference sessions among remote multi-offices.

LiveBoard: Online Whiteboard

LiveBoard is an online collaborative platform designed specifically for teaching online! Use LiveBoard to: • Share your experience whenever & wherever you ...


‎WhiteBoard by LiveBoard · ‎WhiteBoard by LiveBoard is an easy-to-use interactive smartboard to teach, tutor, learn & collaborate. Educate…


2021年4月13日 — Access the best member-only stories. Support independent authors. Listen to audio narrations.

在App Store 上的「WhiteBoard by LiveBoard」

WhiteBoard by LiveBoard is an easy-to-use interactive smartboard to teach, tutor, learn & collaborate. Educate, present ideas, engage in real-time, ...

